
welcome to my centre of special interests!

this website is still under construction, so expect more to come in the near future for my corner of the interwebs.

sidebar of knowledge

fun facts:

anemoia is the feeling of nostalgia for a time you were never there for

in a technology store, the endowment effect is the angle that the products are placed at for a higher chance of you (or others) buying them

space-themed daily fact:

general daily fact:

minutely fact:

update log

  • the phestival has ended, so i put the team at the bottom of the page
  • pirates won!!!

  • 13/09/2024
  • added a temporary PHIGHTING! section to the site to represent what team i'm on. JOIN THE PIRATES ME MATIES!!!
  • added more songs to the webdeck player
  • would you look at that. 51 UNIQUE VISITS!!!!!!!!!

  • 08/09/2024
  • made another theme for the mp3 player related to my website

  • 07/09/24
  • changed the sole mp3 to a music player with 6 songs as of now (07/09/24)

  • 21/08/24
  • added the frutiger aero page
  • moved the main workspace over to vs code
  • added a bunch more gifs to the main page :D

  • 13/08/2024
  • reached a new milestone: 20 unique visits!
  • added a chatbox to the bottom of the page for, well, chatting
  • added a minutely fact because why not

  • 12/08/2024
  • added space facts which are specifically for space and general daily facts
  • added the intermission page for controlling entry when updating the site with things that could temporarily break the main page
  • disabled the solar system of travelling for now, it's too much to work on for practically just starting html/css/javascript

  • 11/08/2024
  • added a typewriter effect to the daily fact section
  • added a json file to automatically replace the daily fact every day

  • 10/08/2024
  • reached 11 unique visits! 11 different people (including me) have chosen to visit my site atleast once!
  • added daily facts to the main/homepage
  • centered the visit counters (i need to learn html/css/js more)
  • added scrolling to the update log

  • 09/08/2024
  • added two sidebar-like divs to the main page
  • added the solar system of travelling for entering different parts of this website
  • added the windows 7 scroll bar to the main page
  • total visits

    unique visits

    unique counter
    the time until the y2k38 (2038) problem occurs is days, hours, minutes, and seconds
    click here for another place of my mind

    my button:

    good music that goes with the vibe :D

    most recent PHIGHTING! phestival team (team pirates)

    most visits for the total visits counter are development visits/refreshes, and so are the visits on my website's page.
    credit to gregnk for the source code for the y2k38 problem